Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun in the snow......

I'm not going to say much today, suffice to say that the pics below will speak a million words!! Cape Town has experienced very cold weather for the last few days because of snow that has fallen in Ceres and on the Matroosberg mountains!! My sis and her family decided to drive there and have fun in the snow!! From the looks of it they certainly did!!
Saeed and his snowman!!
Yeah!!!! We're having fun!!
Hmmmm!! I wonder how much longer this cold weather's going to last!!
I think we should take some of this home!! Lug, lug!!
Brrrrr!!! A nice hot cuppa is just what I need now!! Hmmmm!!
Can we go home now?? You humans might enjoy this, but I'm freezing my butt off!!
Driving back home!!

1 comment:

Shaheema said...

Awwwww Nads... next time you MUST take us with!

Looks fun & memorable!