Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The whole ANC saga!!

Well, the rumours we've heard are definitely true!! The ANC has definitely split and a new party is to come into effect as soon as this weekending.

From a layman's point of view I think that this is a good thing. The ANC has held the monopoly with regards to the number of seats it has in Parliament. It is after all the ruling party and the smaller parties have not come close to toppling the ANC in anyway. Now, with the differences between Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma splitting the party in two, we could see a balance in the amount of seats taken up by each party. The smaller parties would now have a chance to even up the score.

The Democratic Alliance has encouraged all citizens to register to vote in the next election so that this goal can be achieved. Hopefully there will be light at the end of the tunnel and we could see Jacob Zuma getting a run for his money. Personally, I cringe just thinking that there's a possibility of Zuma becoming President of this country!!

How is it that the most scrupulous people have seats of power??? If you look at the world today, there are many leaders who are manipulating their positions. I've come to one conclusion, and that is, they lack morality. And in my books, if you have no morality you have nothing! While reading Islamic Jurisprudence by C G Weeramantry, I happened upon the following, extracted from the foreword which was written by M. Hidayatullah, M.A. (Cantab) LL.D., D.Litt., D.C.L., O.B.E. :

The author has pointed out that in the matter of secular rights:
the problem is not how man asserts his rights against man but how man discharges his duty toward God. It is not occupied with the horizontal relationship of man with his fellow man but with the vertical relationship that subsists between each man and his Maker. If the vertical relationship is properly tended, all human rights problems fall automatically into place.
Thus morality and not legality is the source of relationships.

That says it all doesn't it!! I couldn't agree more!!

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