Friday, August 22, 2008

Sad news!

This morning on reaching my workplace, I received bad news from my cousin Shaheema. Her dad suffered seizures last night and was rushed to hospital!!

I spoke to her this morning after receiving her sms but because we were both too emotional we couldn't say much!! At times like this I feel completely helpless because I can do nothing to ease her and her family pain. Another lesson in patience and the realisation that Allah is the Planner of all things. We just need to make sabr and dua that all will be well Insha-Allah Ameen!!

Shaheema my sweet, you and your family are in my duas. Although very difficult to understand and come to grips with right now, you of all people would know that there is a reason for everything!! One more reason for us to never take our time on this earth for granted!! May Allah give you the strength to get through this and may Allah make things easy for your mom too!! I LOVE YOU!!

This will be my post for today, I cannot concentrate on anything right now!! I would really appreciate it if everyone could keep this family in there duas Insha-Allah Ameen!!

Khas boenallah wa nie'mal wakeel!!

1 comment:

Shaheema said...

Oh couz! Shukran so much for keeping my dad and our family in your dua's and for requesting the dua's of all. This is greatly appreciated. Yes, you right, Allah is the Planner of all things and shukran for reminding me that my trust should be no place else, but with ALLAH! ALLAHU AKBAR! May ALLAH reward you well my dear!